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Knitted Winterspell Hooded Cowl

Introducing the enchanting Winterspell Hooded Cowl, a cozy accessory that combines the warmth of a knitted scarf with the allure of a hood. This unique piece is perfect for those chilly winter days when you want to stay snug and stylish. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, the cowl features intricate knitting patterns that add a touch of elegance to any outfit. Made from high-quality, soft yarn, the Winterspell Hooded Cowl feels luxuriously gentle against your skin, making it a pleasure to wear all day long. Its generous length ensures that you can wrap it around yourself for extra warmth, while the hood adds an extra layer of coziness. With its timeless appeal and attention-grabbing design, this knitted masterpiece is a must-have addition to your winter wardrobe. So, embrace the magic of the Winterspell Hooded Cowl and let it transport you to a world of comfort and style.




Circumference: 24.75 inches/63 cm

Length: 18 inches/45.5 cm


  • Yarn
  • Recommended needle size
  • [always use a needle size that gives you the gauge listed below - every knitter's gauge is unique]
  • 1 32-inch US #7/4.5mm circular needle
  • 2 US #5/3.75mm double pointed needles


  • 3 stitch markers (1 for beg of round, 2 removable)
  • Stitch holder
  • Yarn needle


18.5 sts/26 rows = 4 inches/10 cm in stockinette stitch on larger needles, after blocking

15.5 sts/27 rows = 4 inches/10 cm in Circular Double Knitting on larger needles after blocking


Measurements do not include picot edging.

All sts are slipped purlwise.

When using variegated yarn, there will be a color change at the beginning of the round where you switch from Round 1 to Round 2, but it will be at the back of the neck when the hood is being worn.

Circular Double Knitting
Round 1 [RS]: *K1, sl1 wyif; rep from * to end of round.
Round 2 [WS]: *Sl1 wyib, p1; rep from * to end of round.
Rep these 2 rounds for patt.

Flat Double Knitting
Row 1 [RS]: *K1, sl1 wyif; rep from * to end of row.
Row 2 [WS]: *K1, sl1 wyif; rep from * to end of row.
Rep these 2 rows for patt.

Shadow Wrap
Work to point indicated; insert RH needle from back to front into st in row below next st on LH needle. Place this st on the LH needle and knit it. Transfer this st to LH needle; there are now 2 sts emerging from a single st. Turn work.

Frilled Cast-On
CO row: *CO 4 sts, using knitted cast-on method, pass the first 3 sts over the fourth st, CO 3 sts (4 sts cast on altogether); rep from * for the required number of sts.

Picot Bind-Off
BO row: *CO 2 sts on LH needle, BO 4 sts, slip st on RH needle to LH needle purlwise; rep from * until all sts are bound off.

Row 1: [K2, slide sts to other end of dpn without turning].
Rep this row for patt.


Using the Frilled Cast-On, CO 192 sts (48 picots) on circular needle. Join to work in the round, being careful not to twist, and place marker to indicate beg of round.

Work in Circular Double Knitting until piece measures 6.75 inches/17 cm from the cast on edge (not counting the picots), ending with Rnd 2.

Work hood increases:
Round 1: *[K1, sl1 wyif] 8 times, m1; rep from * to end of round. 12 sts increased.
Round 2: *[Sl1 wyib, p1] 8 times, sl1 wyib, m1p; rep from * to end of round. 12 sts increased, 216 sts total.

Hood Shaping
Pm after 108 sts from beg of round marker.
Next round: *K1, sl1 wyif; rep from * to new marker. This is now the beg of the rnd. [K1, sl1 wyif] 8 times. Put the 32 sts just worked (16 sts on either side of the marker) on a holder, leaving marker in place.

Shaping will be worked back and forth in Flat Double Knitting on the rem 184 sts. Pm 20 sts from each end of the row. With RS facing, the LH marker is Marker A and the RH marker is Marker B.

Work Short Row Wedge:
Row 1 [RS]: Work in Flat Double Knitting to 24 sts before Marker A, work shadow wrap (SW) in next st, slip both sts of the SW to RH needle, sl1 wyif, turn.

Row 2 [WS]: SW in next st, sl both sts of SW to RH needle, sl1 wyif, work in Flat Double Knitting to 24 sts before Marker B, SW in next st, slip both sts of SW to RH needle, sl1 wyif, turn.

Row 3: SW in next st, sl both sts of SW to RH needle, sl1 wyif, work to SW, k2tog (work both SW sts tog as 1 st), sl1 wyif, SW in next st, slip both sts of SW to RH needle, sl1 wyif, turn.

Rep Row 3 until all sts between Markers A and B have been worked, ending with a WS row.

Work Long Rows:
Long row 1 [RS]: Work to 2 sts before end of row, SW in next st, slip both sts of SW to RH needle, sl1 wyif, turn.

Long row 2 [WS]: SW in next st, sl both sts of SW to RH needle, sl1 wyif, work to 2 sts before end of row, SW in next st, slip both sts of SW to RH needle, sl1 wyif, turn.

*Work Short Row Wedge, work Long Rows to 2 sts before last doubled st; rep from * until there are 7 wedges total.

After last Short Row Wedge and Long Rows, with RS facing, work to end of row, working doubled sts tog as you come to them. Put held sts back on needle and work to beg of rnd marker.

Next round: Work 3 rounds of Circular Double Knitting, beginning with Round 2.

Work Eyelets:
Next round: K1, sl1 wyif, k1, *yo, k2tog, [sl1 wyif, k1] 2 times; rep from * to last 3 sts, yo, k2tog, sl1 wyif. 36 eyelets.
Work 3 rounds of Circular Double Knitting, beginning with Round 2 of patt.

Bind off with Picot Bind-Off.
Weave in rem ends, hiding tails between layers.

Make Drawstring:
With size 5 dpns, CO 2 sts.
Work in I-cord for approx 44 inches/112 cm, or desired length.
Break yarn, draw through live sts, and weave in ends.


Block hood and drawstring separately. Lay hood flat to dry at first, turning as necessary; when the outside seems dry, put it over something as if being worn (a large jar works well) to make sure the inside dries properly. After blocking, thread drawstring through eyelets so that the ends of the drawstring are under the chin.


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