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Knitted Corner to Corner Dishcloth

Discover the charm of the Knitted Corner to Corner Dishcloth, a delightful addition to your kitchen essentials. This unique dishcloth is crafted using the corner to corner knitting technique, which adds a touch of elegance to your everyday chores. The intricate pattern starts from one corner and gradually expands to create a beautiful and functional dishcloth. The versatility of the Knitted Corner to Corner Dishcloth is another reason to give it a try. It can be used for various tasks beyond dishwashing, such as wiping countertops, cleaning spills, or even as a decorative element in your kitchen. The soft and absorbent nature of the dishcloth ensures efficient cleaning while providing a gentle touch to delicate surfaces.

Yarn: Lily Sugar’n Cream in Colorways: Potpourri Ombre and Country Red
Knitting Needles: US #7
Crochet hook: US size 7 or 4.5 mm crochet hook
Gauge: Not needed for this project

  • K: Knit
  • P: Purl
  • Kfb: Knit front and back (knit one stitch first in the front and then knit the same stitch in the back before slipping it off the left needle – 1 stitch increase)
  • K2tog: Knit the first two stitches together on the left needle (1 stitch decrease)
  • ssk: slip slip knit (slip 2 stitches to right hand needle then insert the left needle in front of the two slipped stitches and knit them together)
  • pm: place marker
  • rm: remove marker
  • sm: slip marker
  • wyif: with yarn in front
  • RS: right side
  • WS: wrong side

The seed stitch pattern:
Row 1 (RS): *K1, P1*; repeat from *…* to end of the row
Row 2 (WS): *P1, K1*; repeat from *…* to end of the row
*Knit in seed stitch pattern: Knit the purl stitches and purl the knit stitches

With a size US #7 knitting needle cast on 1 stitch with the Potpourri Ombre colorway.

Increase Rows:

  • Row 1 (RS): Kfb and turn to the WS row
  • Row 2 (WS): K2
  • Row 3 (RS): Kfb, Kfb
  • Row 4 (WS): K1, pm, K2, pm, wyif S1
  • Row 5 (RS): K1, sm, Kfb, Kfb, sm, wyif S1. Place a removable stitch marker for the RS row.
  • Row 6 (WS): K1, sm, K1, P1, K2, sm, wyif S1
  • Row 7 (RS): K1, sm, Kfb, K1, P1, Kfb, sm, wyif S1
  • Row 8 (WS): K1, sm, K1, [K1, P1] 2x, K1, sm, wyif S1
  • Row 9 (RS): K1, sm, Kfb, [knit in seed stitch pattern*] till 1 stitch before marker, Kfb, sm, wyif S1
  • Row (WS): K1, sm, K1, [knit in seed stitch pattern] till 1 stitch before marker, K1, wyif S1

Repeat rows 9 and 10 till the number of stitches for the preferred dishcloth size is reached.

Transition Rows:

  • Row 1 (RS): K1, sm, K1, [knit in seed stitch pattern] till 1 stitch before marker, K1, sm, wyif S1
  • Row 2 (WS): K1, sm, K1, [knit in seed stitch pattern] till 1 stitch before marker, K1, sm, wyif S1

Decrease Rows:

  • Row 1 (RS): K1, sm, K2tog, [knit in seed stitch pattern] till 2 stitches before marker, ssk, sm, wyif S1
  • Row 2 (WS): K1, sm, K1, [knit in seed stitch pattern] till 1 stitch before marker, K1, sm, wyif S1
  • Repeat Rows 1 and 2 till 6 stitches left on the needle on the WS row
  • RS row: K1, sm, K2tog, ssk, sm, wyif S1
  • WS row: K1, rm, K2, rm, wyif S1
  • RS row: K2tog, ssk
  • WS row: Bind off

Wash and block dishcloth.

Crochet a single crochet border edging around the dishcloth in the Country Red colorway with a Size 7 or 4.5 mm crochet hook.

Weave in the ends.

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