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Knitted Beautiful Scarves

Knitted beautiful scarves are not just accessories; they are cozy companions during chilly days, adding a touch of warmth and style to any outfit. The intricate patterns and soft textures of these scarves make them a popular choice for adding a pop of color or a classic touch to your winter wardrobe. Whether you opt for a chunky cable knit for a more casual look or a delicate lace pattern for a touch of elegance, knitted scarves are a versatile and timeless accessory that can be cherished for years to come. So, embrace the artistry and craftsmanship of knitted scarves and enjoy bundling up in style!

Scarf #1: Cast on 30 sts.
Row 1: * K 1, p 1, repeat from * across.
Row 2: Repeat row 1.
Row 3: Repeat row 1.
Row 4: * P 1, k 1, repeat from * across. Repeat rows 1 - 4 until one yard of yarn is left. Bind off.
Size: About 6" wide X 50 " long.
Knitting Worsted - 1 4-oz skein
Knitting needles size 8, 9 or 10
Ear Warmer variation is at the bottom of the page.

Scarf #2: Cast on 30 sts.
Row 1: * K1, p 1, repeat from * across.
Rows 2 - 4: repeat row 1.
Row 5: * P 1, k 1, Repeat from * across.
Rows 6 - 8: Repeat row 5.
Repeat rows 1 - 8 until one yard of yard is left. Bind off.

Scarf #3: Cast on 30 sts.
Rows 1 - 4: K all sts.
Rows 5 - 8: *K 1, p 1, repeat from * across.
Repeat these 8 rows until a few yards of yarn are left, ending with row 8 of pattern. K 4 rows. Bind off.
Steam press scarves very lightly on wrong side; do not flatten pattern.

Scarf #4: Cast on 30 sts.
Row 1: K1, P1 across.
Row 2: P1, K1 across.
Repeat these 2 rows until a few yards of yarn are left. Bind off.
Steam press scarves very lightly on wrong side; do not flatten pattern.
Use these as examples to create your own unique patterns.

Ear warmers: By casting on 16 stitches and working any pattern stitch above you can make an earwarmer. For double thickness cast on the original 30 sts and work the pattern long enough to go around the head(approx. 20" for an adult). Hold the piece with the short ends together and whip stitch. Then hold the long sides together and loosly whip stitch otgether to create a tube. Make a great warn ear warmer. Donate a few of these to your local homeless shelter or to the service people in the armed forces. Even a local child or family member would like one of these in the winter.

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