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Knitted Bolero With Eyelash Yarn

The knitted bolero with eyelash yarn is a delightful addition to your wardrobe! This unique piece combines the cozy comfort of knitted wear with the whimsical touch of eyelash yarn, giving it a soft and elegant texture. Whether you're looking to layer up in style or add a chic flair to your outfit, this bolero is a versatile choice. The eyelash yarn adds a touch of luxury and a subtle hint of glamour, making it perfect for both casual outings and special occasions. With its trendy design and warm feel, this bolero is sure to become a wardrobe favorite that you'll reach for time and time again.

S, M, L
Equivalent finished chest measurement 36", 39", 42"
Note: This is a tight fitting garment.Gauge:
11 sts and 16 rows=4" with A in St st

Size 11 US (8 mm) straight needles or size needed to obtain gauge
Size 11 US (8 mm) 36" circular needles 7 (8, 8) balls 

Crystal Palace Yarns Trio (A)
50% nylon/50% polyester
55 yards/50 grams
Color #2855 Circus-Blue
All sizes: 1 ball 

Crystal Palace Yarns Fizz (B)
120 yards/50 grams
100% polyester
Color #7312 Orange
Right Front:
With one strand of A and B held together, CO 9 (11, 13) sts with straight needles. Work in garter st (k every row) for 1".Change to A only and work in St st.
At same time, inc 1 st at neck edge every 3rd row 6 (6, 5) times as follows:
RS: k1, k into front and back of next st, k across
WS: p to last 2 sts, p into front and back of next st, p1 

Work even over 15 (17, 18) sts until piece measures 5½ (6, 6)" from beg, ending with RS row completed.At armhole edge, BO 3 sts.
Dec 1 st at armhole edge every other row 2 times.
Work even over 10 sts (12, 13) until armhole measures 8 ½ (9, 9 ½)", ending with RS row completed. BO 5 (6, 6) sts, p rem sts, k 1 row. BO rem sts.

Left Front
As for Right Front, reversing shaping.

With one strand of A and B held together, CO 51 (55, 59) sts.
Work in garter stitch for 1".
Change to A only and work in St st until piece measures 5 ½ (6, 6)" from beg, ending with WS row completed.
BO 3 sts beg next 2 rows. Dec 1 st at each end every other row 2 times.
Work even over 41 (45, 49) sts until armhole measures same as fronts.
BO 5 (6) sts beg next 4 rows. Size Large, BO 6 sts beg next 2 rows, then 7 sts beg next 2 rows. Place rem 21 (21, 23) sts on holder for back of neck.

With one strand of A and B held together, CO 30 (32, 34) sts.
Work in garter stitch for 1".
Change to A only and work in St st.Inc 1 st at each end every 6th row 2 times (34, 36, 38 sts). Work even until piece measures 7" from beg, ending with WS row completed.
BO 3 sts beg next 2 rows.
Dec 1 st each end every other row 3 (2, 1) times, then every 4th row 5 (6, 7) times. BO rem sts.

Sew shoulders of fronts to back. With right side facing, beg at bottom of right front with circular needles and one strand of A and B held together, pick up 49 (50, 52) sts along right front, k 21 (21, 23) sts from holder, pick up 49 (50, 52) sts along left front. Work in garter st for 1". BO loosely.Sew in sleeves. Seam sleeves and sides.Weave in ends on WS.

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